Spring is here. At least the calendar says so. The trees are still bare and the fields are only green with the cover crops that shelter the fields like a winter blanket. With the mild winter there wasn’t enough snow to provide cover so our planted winter rotations and crop residues left standing were even more important.
We see the bright days and it makes us want to get out into the fields. It’s still too wet and cold. But the sun’s warmth has brought growth to the trays of seedlings in the greenhouse! We don’t grow our seedlings on our own farm. We can’t do everything ourselves, plus, it’s nice to work with other farmers.
Wolfgang and I took a drive with Mom to bask in the glory of green. In a few short weeks we will have these tender little beauties nestled into the soil of our fields.
The season’s first beets are promising sweet tastiness already! Mostly what you can see are the cotyledons or seed leaves, but the true leaves are starting to come.
Each tray is a promise of the coming summer bounty. Just a few more weeks…