Well, the thanksgiving dinners are eaten and the leftovers probably too. On the farm the harvest continues. And so does the spirit of thanksgiving. We are grateful for the bounty of our fields. Every year brings its own set of challenges, but also a harvest that feeds us and many other people.

To determine whether it is ready, we part the leaves and inspect visually
The warmer-than-average weather makes our field teams happy in their work! Often this time of year we are bundled up wearing almost as much as we would in winter. This year the cauliflower, kales, beets, carrots, chards, leeks,radicchio and other veggies are being harvested in relative comfort still.

Andreas is smiling because life good: the cover crops are growing well and harvest is filling the storage with lots of great veggies for winter and the rutabagas are almost all in storage already
So we happily continue our work and hope you can taste the happiness we feel in every bite of our veggies!