

Many Reasons To Be Thankful

Many Reasons To Be Thankful

All of a sudden September is over.  Gorgeously changing leaves, cooler temperatures, and shorter days are here.

Thanksgiving is upon us – here on the farm it’s a busy time!  It’s harvest season, so we’ve still got loads of leafy greens.  We’re also putting away storage vegetables to keep us going this winter, which takes care and planning.  We’re planting cover crops that will be plowed under in the spring.  Our customers are having a busy week of sales as everyone prepares for the holiday, and so are we!

Cover crop to provide nutrients for next year's crop. Prevents soil erosion too.

Cover crop to provide nutrients for next year’s crop. Prevents soil erosion too.

I love Thanksgiving because it’s centred around food, family, tradition, and gratitude.  I always enjoy Thanksgiving dinner.  We eat many of the same things year after year, but to me it’s never boring.  The aroma of the slowly cooking dinner makes me think of all the Thanksgivings that have passed in the same way.  There are new faces at the table, and there are some that are no longer there.  This is life, and I’m grateful for it with all of its pain and its joy.

Thanksgiving with family - guaranteed a few laughs!

Thanksgiving with family – guaranteed a few laughs!

I asked around – What’s something you’re grateful for this year?   I got some good answers:

Jenn Pfenning:  All the awesome people in my life!  People that support, make me laugh and especially the one that brings me chocolate on Thursday afternoons 😉  (That would be me, in case you’re wondering.)

Karen:  Mine and my families health.  

Natalie:  To pick only one thing?  There is plenty to be thankful for.  A happy and blessed life.  

Umesh (who has a broken wrist):   Happy that the crack is on  the left hand and not the right hand. I am a righty.  hahaha (I’d be grateful too!)

Deete: Red meat and red wine.  (Funny guy.)

Vince:  I am grateful for my new house and the new neighborhood I’m moving to which is a ten minute walk to my best friend and her family!  (Very exciting time!)

Racheal:  This year I am grateful that I accepted an awesome position with such an amazing company and get to work with you lovely people everyday.  (Welcome!  We love having you here!)

Dale:  I have much to be thankful for but the #1 this Thanksgiving is a little girl running into my arms yelling Poppa Poppa over and over. Love all my grandchildren but they are the sweetest at 1 ½.  (My personal favourite answer. I’ve seen Dale light up when he talks about his grandkids.  Look at the picture – wouldn’t you?)

Dale's adorable granddaughter.

Dale’s adorable granddaughter.

What are you thankful for?

Enjoy the holiday everyone!



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Growing Organically in New Hamburg, Since 1981.

1209 Waterloo St. New Hamburg ON  519-662-3468 |  1-877-662-3468

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