

Introducing: True Cost Tuesdays

Introducing: True Cost Tuesdays

It is the goal of the Pfenning’s pfamily and #BountyByTheBox team that our customers and supporters feel good about their choice to support food systems that are local, organic, and fair trade. It can be hard to understand the full value of organic produce, and it is often difficult to convey the full breadth of that value in just a few words or sentences (if not outright impossible!) 

This is why we have decided to take the time over the coming weeks to bring you “True Cost Tuesday,” an exploration into the true value of organic food and farming practices. The goal of #TrueCostTuesday is to identify hidden external costs in the food system, and highlight the value of local, organic, and fairtrade food. A proper discussion of organic food and agriculture doesn’t end with debates over health benefits or whether or not it is better for the environment, because the full value of organic agriculture is derived from a series of seemingly separate threads that make up an interconnected web of systems and values… for instance, the choice to use organic composts in Pfenning’s agriculture is one way we work to ensure our fields become stronger and resilient in the face of changing climate each year.  

The True Cost Tuesday campaign will consist of a blog post each week that tackles a specific topic as it relates to Pfenning’s farms, our partners, or organic farming in general. These topics will include subjects such as the health benefits of organic foods, the environmental impacts of organic agriculture, and the effects organic and fairtrade practices have on the people who provide the world with the nourishment to sustain itself. By the end of the campaign, it is our hope that you will be able to draw on these posts in order to better understand the true benefits of organic agriculture for people, the environment, and the beautiful world we depend on to survive. 

So, how will True Cost Tuesday work in practice?

  • Each Tuesday a blog post will go up on our social pages complete with an overview of that week’s topic, and at least one (1) source in relation to said topic.
  • Some topics may be more specific than others or act as a more detailed supplement to another post (for instance, one post may touch on the health of soil in organic practices, while another will tackle the use of organic composts). In cases such as this the post will link to a broader topic post if you wish to add further context to a topic. 
  • After each blog post goes live, we will post a link and summary to our other social media platforms on Instagram and Twitter. We encourage you to engage with each other and ask questions about the topic of the week, and we will do our best to respond to each one in a timely manner! We also encourage you to follow us on our social media in general to receive updates on the farm!

We are looking forward to delivering to you an educational and thought provoking experience with True Cost Tuesday; one that will hopefully help you understand why your support of Pfenning’s farms and organic systems as a whole is meaningful not only to yourself, but also to your fellow human beings and our mother earth. 

-With love, Pfenning’s Pfamily <3

Next True Cost Tuesday: What is Organic?

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Growing Organically in New Hamburg, Since 1981.

1209 Waterloo St. New Hamburg ON  519-662-3468 |  1-877-662-3468

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