As always, the weekend of the Guelph Organic Conference flew by in a happy blur! It’s a happy time of reconnecting with old friends and colleagues, and making new connections. It’s rewarding to meet people who have been enjoying our produce – since our customers are mainly grocery stores, restaurants and juice companies, we don’t often directly meet the people who eat the food we grow! Spending time with people who are on this journey with us is inspiring, and gives us hope for the future. A very big THANK YOU to the organizers – you did a great job making everything run smoothly! Here are a few of our highlights:
- Regina & Wolfgang Pfenning
- Jenn & Ekk Pfenning
- Glenn, Laura & Racheal
- Racheal & Lauren
Not surprisingly, the food was amazing at the Organic Dinner Friday evening – great food, drink and company were enjoyed by all!
The Keynote Forum (Women in Organics: Feeding the World With Inspiration) was informative, engaging and very relevant. The panel of intelligent and passionate women were a pleasure to listen to!
If you’ve never been to the FREE trade show over the weekend you need to check it out next year. Samples abound of delicious organic products, and there are always great deals to be found! If you grow your own food you will find all kinds of interesting seeds to try. There is so much to see, taste, and learn!
Our team was out in force – attending workshops, working the booth, and enjoying the trade show.
Until next year!